Good to their word, the parts from Ramina Pomorstvo (Profurl Agents) arrived just after mid day on Tuesday. Four hours later and the Profurl was fully re-assembled and back in place. To date it is working perfectly with no visible evidence of grease escaping, always a good sign, especially as the only suitable grease I could get was jet black in colour! In the meantime David had departed in Camilla, with Francesco his new crew, and set off for an anchorage ten miles up the coast. The plan had been that I would meet them there, that evening or the next day depending how the reassembly of the Profurl went. This time it was David's turn to suffer a gear failure. His vang had broken whilst he was hoisting his mainsail and he therefore returned to Pomer Marina and set off into Pula, by bus, to purchase the new cordage he needed.
Today Camilla has returned to Pomer for yet another crew change and I have decided to remain in Sahara for another night
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