The frustration is not helped by the marked lack of organisation in the boatyard; today was to be the day when Kurukulla went in the water first thing; at present it is gone mid-day, I am still in the cradle on the hard and there is not much sign of progress! At times one has to restrain ones-self and remember this is Italy! The arrangements were only made six months ago and confirmed three times since ........... the compensation is that their winter storage prices are good.
Having taken the opportunity to drive down to Brindisi in March and do the winter refit, re anti-foul etc., there is not a lot to do before getting under way. What there is though is mostly re-rigging and therefore out in the weather. Ugh!
The plan now is to put Kurukulla in the water tomorrow morning, store and victual her over the day and to leave Brindisi on Friday next. We then head down to Otranto for the night and follow that by a crossing to Corfu over the weekend.
The forecast is good, northerly winds and sunshine, it just needs to arrive and displace the weather system we have at the moment. The next post will be once we are under-way, that is unless something goes horribly awry!
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