Departing Alanya |
We departed Alanya at 1100 on Sunday
morning and motored round to the marina, 3 miles west, to refuel.
Whilst there, I also enquired about winter berthing and discovered
that it was about the same price as Yacht Marine at Marmaris but that
Alanya were offering an additional 10% discount to RNSA members,
amongst other organisations. This could be quite attractive for
winter 2013-14. After a quick drink at the marina pub, just to check
the quality, we headed for Side the next small port on the coast, 25
miles west. In fact we had slightly misjudged it and arrived in Side
just after nightfall and so had a slightly more testing entry than we
had planned. Notwithstanding this within 10 minutes of arriving we
were Med moored in the western end of the harbour and enjoying our
first trip ashore. We decided fish was the order of the day for
dinner and set about finding a good restaurant on the waterfront. We
headed out of the centre, along the waters, edge and soon found a
good restaurant with a waterfront table available. After negotiating
the price of the wine down from 60TL to 45TL we settled in for a good
meal served by a very jovial Somali waiter. After, it was back on
board to catch up on some of the lost sleep from the night before,
and that was despite the noise from the adjacent Lighthouse Disco!
Steve's birthday dinner at Manavgat |
Departing Manavgat at 0600 |
Next morning was Steve's birthday and
hence we decided to do a brief tour of Side's historic ruins,
followed by a light lunch ashore, and then to simply do a short trip
along the coast into the river at Manavgat and dine there that
evening, for the celebration. At 1500 we motored out of the harbour,
turned left avoiding a fleet of Hobie cats, and headed for the river
entrance. After a short stop for a swim near the entrance, we
entered via the canalled section and headed inland. By 1730 we were
moored up at the restaurant and enjoying a glass of bubbly in the
cockpit. This was followed by dinner at 2100 and by 2300 were back
onboard for a late night film. Because of the distance to cover the
next day, nearly 60 miles, we decided to do a first light departure
and thus it was at 0545 we slipped the restaurant's pontoon and
headed down river in the eerie light of early dawn. Once out of the
river the offshore breeze got us off to a fine start and for the
first five hours we averaged 7 knots. It was not to last however.
First we were intercepted by a Turkish warship and requested to
circumnavigate the submarine exercise area and not cross it as we had
intended. Shortly after the wind died away and we were forced to
resort to the motor again, fortunately with only 16 miles to go. Not
long after the reason for our being requested to clear the area
became apparent, six frigates and their helicopters appeared in view,
there was obviously some major exercise going on.
Kurukulla at Finike Marina |
At 1530 we arrived in the anchorage at
Cineviz Limani, a quiet anchorage where we planned to spend the
night; we gently sailed on to the anchor and set ourselves up for the
night. Cineviz has almost no artificial light and so the view of the
stars is amazing. It is also a great place for a midnight dip, when
there is no moon, as the phosphorescence is also fantastic.
The next day we decided to take
advantage of what breeze there was and sailed off the anchor at 1100
heading for Finike marina. It was to be a frustrating start to the
day and we arrived at 1700 after a day of intermittent sailing and
motoring; however, the final leg across Finike Korfezi (bay) was
fantastic; a really good beam reach to finish the day. We had chosen
to moor in Finike Marina, as much because I wanted to check out their
prices for winter storage as anything else but in the event it was a
waste of time. Although they were offering 18 months for the price of
12 or 8 for the price of 6, these were deals afloat and if you added
the hard-standing surcharge and their very high lift out and launch
costs then, for what I required, they were more expensive than Marmaris. Nothing ventured nothing gained though.....
We had decided to eat ashore and after
researching the rather uninspiring town of Finike we settled on a
convenient but unpromising restaurant named “Pergole” near the
marina, in fact it proved to be a very good choice, the service and
food was good and the wine reasonable in price. Next morning we
visited the local supermarket for a few essentials and the local
open market where we purchased fresh meat and vegetables for the next few
From Finike it was off to Gekkoya
Limani, an anchorage at the eastern end of Kekova Roads, the inland
sea between Kekova Adasi and the mainland. The beat westwards was
pleasing and considerably shortened by a favourable wind-shit half
way through. The first time this year, that I can remember, where the
wind has done us such a big favour! After transiting the anchorage,
looking for a quiet spot, we settled on the entrance to the SW creek,
anchored in 5m and set about preparing supper which was followed by a
film night, on deck.
Gekkoya Limani with "Surgical Spirit" in the distance |
Next morning I awoke late, 0930, stuck
my head out of the hatch to assess the day and was immediately aware
that our nearest neighbour, a boat 100m further up the creek, was on
the rocks! After a rapid shake of Steve we weighed anchor in haste
and set off to tow them off. The boat was named “Surgical Spirit”
(owned, we were told, by an eminent back surgeon who was not
onboard). They had managed to flatten all of their batteries and had
then attempted to sail off the anchor, going on the rocks in the
process. Twenty minutes later we had towed them off, re-anchored
ourselves and brought them alongside. A quick inspection of their
batteries showed that the connections and charging system were in
pretty poor shape. The batteries were too large to drop one in
Kurukulla's battery stowage and give it a charge (this was only
discovered after we had transferred one to Kurukulla, millimetres
matter!). In the end we decided that it would be easier to tow them
into the centre of Kekova Roads and from there they would sail back
to their home port of Kas.
Cracking along on a beat in Kekova Roads |
The BBQ fish supper |
An hour later, and a generous gift of a
bottle of gin to the good, we slipped the tow and left them to follow
in our wake, north-westwards, up the roads. We sailed on ahead until
they exited the roads and we continued to the far end anchoring at
Polemos Buku, intending to take supper at the Yoruk Ramazan
restaurant again. On our arrival we were greeted by another nephew of the
owner who was also a keen sailor, his boat was alongside their rather
rickety jetty; he was waxing lyrical about the yacht that had tacked
all the way up the roads and anchored under sail; we explained to him
that that was us! After that we were given VIP treatment and dined on
fresh bream cooked on the BBQ, with accompanying salad and chips that
Steve described as the best he had tasted since he left home (and his
mothers cooking!).
Steve doing some underwater Archaeolog |
Next morning we took the dinghy into
the jetty again and headed off to investigate the ancient city of
Aperlae, this time I took flippers and a snorkel! We spent the middle
of the day wandering the ruins and swimming over the sunken parts. An
amazing sight, the remains of all the walls clearly distinguishable
showing the layout of the lost parts.
The walls of Aperlae |
After that it was back the the
restaurant for a swift beer before sailing off the anchor and heading
downwind to the exit to the roads from where we were on the wind
again heading to Kas. Notwithstanding a reasonable amount of wind we
had slightly misjudged our arrival and given the gathering gloom we
decided to anchor in Bayindir Limani, a bay south of Kas harbour,
rather than enter in the near dark.
Passing Kastelloritzon en route Kas |
It mattered not, the anchorage
was easy and delightful. We found an area shallow enough to anchor
and without other boats nearby, hence we were able to swing to the
anchor without the need for a line ashore. Roast chicken supper
onboard, another film and bed; after what seemed a long day!
Next morning we had a leisurely swim
and the sailed off the anchor heading for Kalkan, 15 miles to the west but again
up-wind. It was a pleasant enough beat with just enough wind to make
it interesting and we had the good fortune to just lay the eastern
approach without the need to tack through. Our intention had been to
go to the anchorage initially, for a late lunch and a swim, before
heading into the harbour. The wind thought otherwise! At 400m short
of the bay the wind died completely and hence we just drifted for an
hour having lunch and swimming before ghosting to the harbour mouth,
dropping the sails and motoring in. By 1700 we were secure, inside
the harbour, and watching the world go by. Kalkan is a small harbour
with a town that thrives on tourism, and unusually for this coast,
majority middle aged, British tourists. That evening we set off on a
shopping trip only to get way-layed on our return leg by a guy selling
paragliding trips, needless to say we fell for it. Ten minutes later
we had booked ourselves the first two flights of the next day and
retired to a local restaurant for dinner. The Agora restaurant can be
highly recommended. The food and service were the best I have
experienced in Turkey; the wines were reasonable, even
decanted and served with style!
Steve coming in to land on the road! |
Next morning we were on the jetty at
0910 having received an early phone call from the pilot to tell us
the wind conditions were excellent. By 0930 we were bumping up the
mountain in their Landrover and by 1015 Steve was airborne; I
followed at 1130 having made another descent and ascent of the
mountain by road/track.
In flight |
The flights were 30 minutes duration and
Kurukulla viewed from the sky |
The views were astounding and the experience breathtaking!
We both landed on the road adjacent to Kurukulla giving the whole
experience an even more special feel.
Departing Kalkan with the launch spot above the cloud! |
10 minutes after my landing we were
slipping our lines and heading out, making our way to Gemiler Adasi,
30 miles NW, where we anchored in the NW corner of the bay. The day
was a combination of sailing and motor sailing in order to make the
anchorage in daylight; a good day all the same! The anchorages, there
are several, at Gemiler Adasi were crowded but by avoiding the ones
recommended in the pilot we found a reasonably quiet spot and much to
our surprise we found ourselves moored 50m from a large catamaran
onboard which was another mutual friend, Jonathan Sewell, working as
a paid hand! It is a small world. He came onboard for a few drinks
before returning to his duties. After his departure we enjoyed a Thai
chicken curry and a relatively early night.
Next day was to be a shorter leg to the
inland sea at Skopea Limani where we sailed through the larger of the
two access channels ans headed for the anchorage in Tomb Bay, for the
second time this year, but this time we anchored in a small cove on
the south side which was idyllic. By good fortune we had arrived in
the cove as the only other occupant, a large catamaran, was leaving
and so had the place almost to ourselves. After a late afternoon swim
we had supper on deck followed by another film night; fortunately Steve had
arrived with a host of new DVDs' !
At 1000 next day we set sail again, but
the time for the 35 mile transit to Marmaris where I needed to pay a
quick visit to sort out temporary residence in Turkey before my
allowable stay on my present visa expires. The beat to Marmaris was
at times frustrating and at other times very enjoyable depending on
which trick the wind was to play next. We arrived at 2000 into the
anchorage just to the east of the Yacht Marine marina entrance and
ghosted onto the anchor inshore of the other anchored boats. Next
morning we were to see that we had anchored, purely by chance and in
the dark, in the best spot of the anchorage and close to the
catamaran, Panthera, whose owners, John and Robyn Combridge were
sadly not to be seen; they had very kindly hosted me to drinks
onboard in Astypalaia some months previously. Mid morning we motored
into the marina and berthed on India pontoon and set about resolving
the tasks to be done but not before we had bumped into the owners of "Windsong" who had been the other guests onboard "Panthera" in Astypalaia; a small world again!
More when we leave.....
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