Descending to Vroukounda |
Tombs at Vroukounda |
The day after Mike and Steve's arrival
was spent touring northern Karpathos island in a hire car, taking in
Vroukounda and its associated tombs and the village of Avlona, which
must be one of the remotest places in Greece; the return leg took us
to Olympus. All this was a very enjoyable way of passing the time
before the arrival of Christoph, our next crew member.
On the following day the forecast was
for a north westerly wind and so we decided to make life easier by
moving Kurukulla round to the main port of the island, Pighadia,
where a “new” yacht harbour has been financed by the EU. After
sailing out of Finiki, under genoa alone, we had a fast sail down to
the southern tip of the island followed by a fairly gentle reach to
the headland before Pighadia. As we rounded the headland it was a
very rapid pair of reefs in the mainsail and a much reduced genoa.
Having reached into the bay for shelter we dropped all sails and then
motored into the yacht harbour. Mike was there to greet us, having
driven round the coast from Finiki, monitoring our progress as he
The "new" yacht harbour at Pighadia |
The “new” yacht harbour proved to
be somewhat of a disappointment. The available space had mostly been
occupied by local small boat owners, all of whom had laid their own
moorings leaving lines and floats all over the place, each of which
represented a risk of getting a line round our propeller. After some
careful manoeuvring, and assistance from Mike on shore, we were in.
Only to find that the water and power facilities had all been either
vandalised or died of neglect! Why do the EU bother! Wasted money
which totally fails to achieve the objective of bringing in tourists
to boost the local economy. They might as well have thrown the money
in the harbour! I found out later that even the majority of local
boat owners had vacated the place when they were asked to pay for
their berths there, they just left all their rubbish and lines
behind when moving back to the original inner harbour.
We were to spend the next two days here
due to strong NW winds. Manoeuvring to exit the harbour in these
conditions was going to be too tricky and, given the uninviting
conditions outside, not a prospect we relished! Ultimately we were
able to victual the yacht ready for escape and then made our escape,
during a lull, on the evening of Thursday the 8th of May.
Our target was to anchor in the bay that night and then set off mid
morning next day. A slight hiccough with gas supplies, like we ran
out (the full bottle left over from last year proved to be not so
full after all!), meant a quick dash back into the harbour to
replenish before setting off south. In the event this delay probably
did us a favour as by the time we were half way down the east coast
of the island the wind had increased to almost gale force and the
seas were building rapidly. We decided to run for cover and, after a
very wet and testing hour, we anchored in a bay just 200m south of the
runway flight path for the airport. Good news for Mike who is our
resident plane spotter!
Next morning we sailed off the anchor,
rounded the southern tip of Karpathos and headed for our original
destination of Ormos Khelatronas, on the southern tip of the adjacent
island Nisos Kasos.
Anchorage at Ormos Khelatronas, southern tip of Nisos Kasos |
On arrival we discovered another yacht that had
departed Pighadia at the same time as ourselves. His tales of his
crossing were enough to convince us that we had made the right
decision! Ormos Khelatronas is a beautiful bay, with a sandy beach at
the head and well protected; hence, we spent a pleasant evening there
and planned to set sail reasonably early next morning. In the event
we sailed off the anchor and out of the bay at about 0830 next
morning (the other boat had departed at 0700, obviously an early
riser!) to make the crossing over to Crete. Our destination was one
of the anchorages on the very NE corner of the island. By good fortune
this was a brisk crossing, all on starboard tack, and we arrived in
the anchorage at Ornos Dhaskalia in time for lunch and a swim. A
delightful anchorage, all to ourselves; that is unless you count the
two military personnel who turned up to throw us out, apparently we
were inside a “Military Area” despite the Rod Heikell pilot stating that we
were not.
The second anchorage bay at Dhaskalia |
We assured them we would leave once lunch was finished and
that seemed to pacify them in the short term; in the event we were
just sailing out when they arrived to repeat their warning. We moved
half a mile to the next bay south where we anchored without
interruption or harassment. After supper in the cockpit, for the
first time this year; a peaceful night, and an early morning swim
(bracing); we set off for the short sail round to the port of Sitia,
on the opposite (W) side of the peninsula.
Alongside in Sitia |
Departing Sitia |
Anchorage at Dragonada, under St Anthony's church |
Anchorage at Dragonada |
Inside St Anthony's church |
The sound |
Sitia is far from picturesque but
welcoming all the same. The harbour is well protected and with space
galore. We even managed to go alongside, rather than the more usual
Mediterranean moor, (anchor out and stern to the jetty). That night
it was a trip to the local supermarket, to stock up; followed by
dinner ashore in a local restaurant. Next morning I had to go to do
battle with the local Port Police (they had called by whilst I was
away at the supermarket) and pay the harbour dues after which we were
free to go. Our plan was to head out to the Dionisades Islands and
anchor there for the night. Anchorages here are not many and those
that there are tight for space. After swinging round our anchor, in a
small bay under the only building on the island (a church of course)
we decided that there were two options, leave or tie back to the
rocks. Half an hour later we were tied back and secure for the night.
Christoph and I set off for a walking tour of the island of Dragonada
whilst Steve and Mike stayed on board to keep a check on the boat.
The island is small, one square mile in total, but with steep hills
rising to the centre. Reaching the top and then descending again took
us two hours. In the process we discovered another fishing boat
anchored in the adjacent bay but not another living soul; that is
until we got back to Kurukulla to discover two small motor boats
sharing our anchorage. The owners had come over to the islands to go
hare coursing with their dogs and have a BBQ that night, before
departing next day. They explained to us that the refuge next to the
church was available for public use, by anyone who came to the
islands, and was their intended “home” for the night. In the
event other friends of theirs arrived at 0300, in a motor cruiser; eliciting a
cheer from the hunters on their arrival, and generating a saga on
departure. Their attempt to depart at 0430 resulted in them getting a
rope around their propeller from one of the hunters boats and fishing
up our anchor cable with their anchor! You can imagine how impressed
we were with being woken by the sound of their anchor grating up our
anchor cable at 0430! After 30 minutes of pantomime we were free of
their anchor and they motored off at high speed, taking the anchor of
one of the motorboats with them. Oh how I enjoy power boat owners!
En route Spinalonga Lagoon |
Venetian fort and Leper colony at the entrance to Spinalonga |
We motored out of the anchorage at 1030
and headed westwards out of the sound (similar but very much smaller
than Falkland Sound) heading for Spinalonga Lagoon. For the first
hour we were sailing gently, or motor sailing, westwards; but then
the white horses ahead became more defined. Yet again, within 30
minutes, we were double reefed on the main and heavily reefed on the
genoa, struggling to hold course, in 35 – 40 knots of wind, (Force
7 – 8). The first time this year the foul weather gear and safety
harnesses have been out of their stowage! Two hours later we arrived
in the Spinalonga Lagoon, sailing past the Venetian fortress at the
entrance, with its associated leper colony, and anchoring in one of
the bays with a brief sigh of relief! Supper on deck was achieved
in the quiet of the evening but as I write this I am sitting onboard,
next day, at anchor, in the lagoon, listening to the wind howling
through the rigging yet again! Tomorrow we move on to Ayios Nikolaos
from where Steve and Mike depart and George and Nigel arrive.
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