Chaos on deck, the day we were supposed to launch! |
By a combination of
cajoling, berating and bribing (or at least paying inflated prices)
we edged slowly towards completion, two days late and with a
significantly lighter wallet than planned, but then who expects
running a boat to be painless!
And I thought I had too much onboard Kurukulla! |
The upside was that the weather was
good, sun with light winds, and the restaurant inside the marina is
excellent both in terms of quality and value.
The planned departure
date was the 3rd of May however this was delayed until 5th
May to allow the contractor to finish the majority of the tasks in
hand, others we either cancelled, put off for another occasion, or
added to my DIY work-list (by far the cheapest way of maintaining a
boat), less stressful but far from restful. The problem now was to
catch up with a programme that has me arriving in Kusadasi on the
12th of May, i.e. in time to fly back to UK for my
nephew's wedding.
Ready to launch |
Departure from
Marmaris Yacht Marina at 0700 on Tuesday 5th of May was
painless. All the paperwork had been done the previous day and all
that remained was to disconnect and go, not forgetting to pass your
departure document to the Marina Staff as you pass their pontoon at
the entrance. The wind was light to non existent and so we (Kurukulla
and I) motored until outside the entrance to Marmaris Limani before
putting the mainsail up, more in hope than expectation! In the event
the wind slowly built from the South West (where-else, we were
heading in that direction) and so two hours later I unfurled the No 1
Genoa and set Kurukulla on the wind for the first beat to windward of
the season. The plan was to get as far west as possible on day one
and in the event this proved to be a small bay called Parmak Buku, on
the Turkish Coast, just to the north west of the Greek Island of
Symi. A delightful bay with pine trees all around and a closed but
not deserted hotel on the beach; it had obviously not traded for a
while. The bay was open to the south but calm nonetheless and here I
anchored in the centre of the bay, in 7m of water, and settled down
for the night.
The bay at Parmak Buku |
Wednesday dawned sunny
and still, it remained this way until 1500 and so I decided that the
only way I was going to make it to Knidos today was under engine, and
so it was. Knidos is only 12 miles along the coast and for the
majority of those 12 miles the wind was non existent, for the last
hour the wind built from ahead but at that stage I declined the offer
of a beat to windward and continued under motor. In the event the
wind peaked at W,16kts, but not for long. By 1700 I was anchored in
Buyuk Limani, the harbour at Knidos, looking at the ruins of the
ancient city; and again enjoying a flat calm!
The view to wake up to at Knidos |
It is quite something
to wake up in an anchorage which is in the midst of an ancient Dorian
city and then, as your eyes focus, you look across the anchorage
where the first thing you see is a 4th century BC
amphitheatre. The night in Knidos had been uneventful. Before sunset
I had taken a brief swim to check the anchor, which was well set dug
in. During the night the wind had filled in from the north,
un-forecast, but had not caused any problems, in fact I departed at
0830 on the last of this N wind. By 1000 it had gone round to NE and
I was scudding across the gap between Knodos and the Greek island of
Kos at a good pace; for the first half of the transit anyway! It was
not to last, as I approached the eastern end of Kos the wind died and
for half an hour there was verging on a flat calm, again! When it did
return it was fickle, anything between N and W and varying between 4
and 15 kts; these things are sent to try us but it would be nice to
be on the right side of at least one wind shift, in a day, when
beating to windward! By 1515 I was anchored off the beach on the
east coast of Catalada Adasi. This is a good anchorage which affords
shelter from all westerly directions. As I anchored the last two
tripper boats departed, thus my timing was ideal. From my last visit
here I remember the fabulous sunsets visible through the low lying
gap between what are almost two separate islands.
The sunset at Catalada Adasi, looking across the beach |
Friday 8th
of May dawned, as most of the previous days of this week had, with a
very light breeze and a wisp of cloud. The only thing to mark it out
as a day of special consequence was the BBC Radio 4 News broadcast
(via the internet) announcing the latest results in the UK General
Election. The Conservative party looked to be heading for an overall
majority or close to it. By 1000 I had heard enough and decided to
set off for Cukurcuk, approximately 21 miles north, perforce under
engine. An hour later the wind filled in from the W and we had a
splendid close reach for the rest of the passage there, topping 7 kts
at times. On arrival we sailed into the NW arm of Cukurcuk bay; this
inlet hosts a small fishing community but is no longer obstructed by
a fish farm. For the first time this year we sailed onto the anchor
and settled in 3.5m of water; all in time for a relaxing lunch! The
afternoon was spent catching up on some winch maintenance and other
chores, all things I had not managed to get done before departure
from Marmaris.
The following morning
it was a pleasure to wake to the sound of wind whistling through the
rigging. A brisk 15 knots of wind was blowing from the N, promising a
good beat to windward to the next anchorage, Port St Paul. Apparently
during his travels St Paul took shelter here to give his oarsmen a
rest, or so it is believed. Once out of the anchorage I set a single
reefed main and No 1 Genoa with 4 rolls in, enough for heading to
windward in 20 kts relative. As ever in this area it was not to last.
The beat started on stbd tack, heading NW and ended on port tack
heading ….. you've guessed it NW. In between was half an hour of
frustration whilst the wind veered and backed at random and gusted
from 5 to 25 kts! Another example of the joys of sailing in the Med!
Having said that it was a relatively quick passage and the majority
was at better than 6 kts. Wanting to tuck myself in as far into the
bay as the shallows would allow I entered Port St Paul under engine
and anchored in 4m in the centre of the inlet; the only boat there.
Time for a slightly late lunch and a relaxing afternoon.
Being now only 20
miles from Kusadasi, the pick up point for my first guest of the year
and the marina where I am due to leave Kurukulla for three days for a
flying (literally) visit back to UK to attend the wedding of my
nephew, the pressure is now off and so the plan is to stay here for a
pair of days before heading into Kusadasi Marina.
Port St Paul, about as far in as you can anchor |
In the three nights in
Port St Paul I saw only one other boat. A yacht came in on the second
night and spent the night at anchor 100m astern of me. Beyond that I
did not see another soul. After the chaos of my time in Marmaris
Marina it was bliss! Peace and solitude and a chance to get things
straight. My timing was not bad either, a near gale, F7, blew through
in the time that I was anchored there and, notwithstanding the
warning in the Heikell Pilot, the holding was good. In fact it was
quite an effort to get the anchor to break out on departure!
Kurukulla nestled in at Kusadasi Marina |
On Tuesday morning I
set off for Kusadasi Marina, the wind was very light and contrary and
so notwithstanding the F7 of the days previous it was necessary to
motor. Three and a half hours later I arrived, berthed where told and
checked in at the marina office. Kusadasi is a very smart marina;
much smaller and less busy than Marmaris! All of this was just in
time, for the rest of the day was to be spoilt by a torrential
downpour and intermittent thunder. I retired below to read my book!
More when we depart.
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