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Queensway Quay Marina |
Having spent many years
in the Royal Navy, Gibraltar was of course familiar to me; however,
on thinking back I actually spent very little time there. The five
days Kurukulla was to spend in Gibraltar would help to restore my
fading memories. Although we had been previously advised that Ocean
Quay marina was perhaps the better marina they fortunately did not
have space available when we phoned ahead. Our preference was
Queensway Quay Marina which we found much more tranquil; we had no
problem with surge as reported in the pilot and the surroundings were
much less commercial than its competitor. The only minor disadvantage
is that chandlers and supermarket are further away.
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Morocco from the top of the rock |
It is impossible to go
to Gibraltar and not go to the top of the rock. As a Midshipman, in
1972, I took part in a “Top of the Rock” race. I was not an
enthusiastic runner (it was not my sport) but, as one of the youngest
members of the wardroom, I was expected to participate and do well. I
remember it to this day ... and the walk back up, 46 years later,
brought it all back! The views from the top are spectacular and the
walk round the southern end, via the Mediterranean Steps, means that
you do an additional 250+ metres of climbing down again and back up.
This time we did it all! By the end of the day we were shattered.
Gibraltar has a character of its own and although only two square
miles they pack a lot in, and even more now that the process of land
reclamation within the harbour is gaining pace.
On the 30th
of July the next crew member, Jayson, joined and in the afternoon of
the 31st we set off for Tarifa. Although the forecast was
for light winds and the stream was going to be with us it was very
soon obvious, as we approached Punta Carnero on the opposite side of
Gibraltar Bay, that the wind was 25 kts from the west and the seas,
being wind over tide, were lumpy to say the least. Rather than spend
the night in Tarifa we opted to anchor in Ensa de Getares, a sandy
bay just north of the point, and to make an early start the next day
on another bid to reach Tarifa which we did, in much calmer seas,
arriving at 1000. Initially we anchored inside Tarifa harbour in the
sandy area on the western side of the entrance. Within half an hour
we were informed by the pilot vessel that anchoring there was not
allowed and that we would have to go alongside the wall inside the
harbour. Oh joy! Although not too uncomfortable we would have been
much happier at anchor!
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Sunset in Tangers |
After a few hours sleep, and lunch, we set
off for Tangier, our first port in Morocco. It was a close reach to
cross the shipping lanes at a right angle, which fortunately were not
too busy, and then a short beat along the Moroccan coast to reach the
port of Tangier. By 1800 we were packing the sails away outside the
port and preparing to enter when a launch came out and gave us the
usual “follow me” wave. The new marina in Tangier is “almost”
finished and looks as though it has been for several years but shows
no sign of opening. Construction is now centred on a new fishing
harbour to the north west of the original. As a consequence of all
this incomplete building we were berthed in the old fishing harbour,
near what seemed to be the boat graveyard, where we were instructed
not to set foot ashore until the authorities had been to attend to
us. Within 20 minutes the Police had arrived; we were checked and the
boat inspected before I was invited to go to the Police Station to
complete the records. This took 45 minutes after which it was the
Douane (customs), another 30 minutes, and at last were were free to
step ashore as a crew. Our first experience of Morocco!
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Rooftop view of Tangers and new marina centre right. |
We spent 2 nights in
Tangier getting to know the local customs and enjoying the
experience. We discovered good restaurants, including the Tangier
Club in the old Medina, and also partook of the local food from the
roadside stalls, “in for a penny – in for a pound”; two weeks
later not one of us has suffered any sort of stomach upset and we
have tried almost everything there is to try in culinary terms! The
harbour in Tangier will be much improved by the new facilities under
construction but at present it is dirty and aromatic. Still very much
worth visiting though!
After yet more visits
to the Police station, to retrieve our documents; to the Customs, to
obtain leaving clearance and to the Port Authority, to pay our dues
(300Dr = €30 per night) we were ready for the off and by 1000 we
were out in the bay and setting sail for Asilah our next port of
call. The entry to Asilah was interesting to say the least. With the
Atlantic swell hitting the coastline and the depth in the entrance
being charted at 3m there isn't much room for error. Add to that the
handbrake turn required after entry to avoid the beach on the far
side of the entrance and you have a recipe for a challenging entry.
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The berth in Asilah |
That said, after surfing the waves on the way in, we got in safely
and berthed on the northern end of the fish quay ahead of several
fishing and coral boats; slightly to the chagrin of twenty or so
young boys who were tomb-stoning from the harbour wall just where we
intended to berth. Their displeasure at having their diving
interrupted quickly turned to enthusiastic welcoming of these people
on whom you could try out your few words of English!
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Asilah medina and Portuguese fort |
A quick look
around the harbour confirmed this was a fishing harbour pure and
simple with vast amounts of fish debris floating in the waters; from
entire tuna skeletons to abundant fish entrails. None of this seemed
to deter the boys from jumping in! They must be immune to everything
on this earth! That said it was a real pleasure to see them enjoying
themselves so much and the reception we received could not have been
warmer. We were to stay there two days and thoroughly enjoyed the
town and its people.
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Asilah medina and one of the murals |
The old Medina is festooned with murals which
form part of an annual art festival when various artists come to
create the works of art. The more modern part of the town is well
kept (in Moroccan terms) and has a selection of good restaurants and
the inevitable ubiquitous market stalls, all selling the same
merchandise! Our visit also included a visit to a traditional hammam
where we were scrubbed clean for the princely sum of 30 Dirham
(£2.50). Just before departure we were able to buy 2 kg of fresh
tuna for Dr80 (£6.60) a bargain and the best tuna I have had for
some time!
With some sadness we
brought our visit to a close, hauled off the wall and set too
cleaning the side of Kurukulla and the fenders. Both were black with
fish oil, grime and goodness knows what. A mere15 minutes later we
set off for the entrance, motored out through the waves and set sail
for Larache, our next port of call. On this coast it pays to stay
well offshore to avoid the worst of the fishing nets and floats but
even 5 miles offshore you still have to have your wits about you.
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Looking back at Larache entrance, after the fog cleared |
this day we had the added constraint of visibility down to 50 to 100
m due to fog. The absence of wind and relatively dense fog was a poor
combination, thank goodness for GPS! We motored all of the 20 miles
from Asilah to Larache but as we turned east to head towards the
entrance it was obvious that we were not going to make it in unless
the visibility improved. It is another entrance reportedly with a
sand bar and breaking waves. At one mile off I was just about to turn
back to sea when a fishing boat loomed out of the fog; they
gesticulated energetically shouting “Larache” we replied yes and
we were off on a magical mystery tour with the blind leading the
blind (or half blind anyway, I kept one eye very firmly on the echo
sounder!). Some minutes later the waves breaking on the northern
breakwater appeared, through the fog, to port and we made a sharp
turn to starboard. We stuck closely to the stern of our escort for
fear of losing him in the fog; however, the rest of the entry was
uneventful! Once in the river he led us into the inner basin, which
had been dredged and enlarged since our pilot book was written; here
he signalled us to break off to the left and we lost him in the fog
never to see him again. Shortly after we anchored off the fish quay,
which we could just make out in the fog, breathed a sigh of relief
and waited for the visibility to clear. This it did three hours later
at which time we were visited by the harbour authorities launch; they
informed us that we could not stay at anchor but must move alongside
the fish quay and report to the authorities.
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Our berth in Larache |
Once again we were
berthed alongside a black and slimy concrete wall with Kurukulla
getting a new coating of black with each small wave that passed. I,
of course, had to go to the Police, Harbour office and Customs yet
again to clear in! Whilst berthed there the fishing boat ahead of us
passed across a metal plate brimming with prawns and would accept
nothing in return, this is so typical of the generosity of the
Moroccan people. Even the street vendors trying to sell you cooked
food will always insist you try their products whether or not you
look a likely customer! Over the time we were there both Jason and
Christoph went ashore to view the sights but I decided that the berth
was too insecure and risky to leave Kurukulla unattended and so
remained onboard. I don't think I missed much!
Next day we were to set
off for Rabat, 36 hours away and so an overnight sail. We departed
Larache; again loitering to clean the boat's side before exiting the
safety of the harbour, at 1300, timed to coincide with high water to
give us the maximum clearance in the entrance. As it was we did not
register less that 6m either on the way in or out so all was well. We
again headed well offshore to avoid the worst of the fishing floats
which range from colourful flags on buoys to several plastic water
bottles tied to a line (i.e. almost invisible).
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Looking out of the entrance from the Rabat side |
The night passage was
uneventful other than the fickle wind which came and went from
varying directions throughout the night; at one stage oscillating
from port to starboard tack and back to port twelve times in less
than an hour, whilst simultaneously varying from 4 to 30 kts, and we
didn't have to alter course at all! A strange experience.
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Bouregreg Marina, Rabat |
In the event we were
too early for a first light entry to Rabat and so hove to off shore
for two hours before entry. The entrance here is also shallow, prone
to silting and with surf breaking in the entrance. The depth in the
channel was reportedly 6m and so I decided an entry on the first of
the flood tide was an option and would hopefully see the waves
reduced by the inflowing current. In we went! Just as we cleared
inwards through the outer breakwater a small boat appeared, at speed,
coming towards us, it was the marina pilot who had come out to show
us the way in through the sandbanks. His presence was very reassuring
with the exception that he was leaping from wave top to wave top! He
turned sharply in front of us and headed in, we at full power
followed him in making a safe entry but the depth was only half of
the declared depth on the chart! Our minimum recorded was 3.4 m and
we draw 2.1m; not a lot to spare.
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It was delicious.... |
We were escorted to the waiting
pier outside of the marina to clear in with the usual authorities but
this time there was an extra twist, a police dog. His duty was to
supposedly search the boat, for goodness knows what, but a more
disinterested search dog I have never seen.
He was terrified of
climbing on to the boat and his only interest was getting off again
as soon as possible! This saga was again repeated on departure! The
Bouregreg Marina is of a standard to compete with any in Europe. The
main difference is that it is 70% empty. The price, at 180Dr (£15)
per day, was marginally over half of the standard price for a place
in a Moroccan fishing harbour,. In our three days in Rabat we spent
the evenings in Rabat city or in Sale the town on the northern side
of the river, nearer to where the marina was situated. Both are
connected by a very efficient tram service crossing the new river
bridge. Again Rabat was a mixture of the old and the new. The most
fascinating parts were the old Medina and markets combined with
spectacular architecture in the town itself. Well worthy of a visit.
Before departure I persuaded the marina authorities to call ahead and
book us a place in our next port of call, Mohammedia a few kilometres
short of Casablanca.
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King Mohamad V mosque |
(Casablanca marina is another unfinished
prestige project that is getting buried by the sands of time and the
port currently does not accept yachts). We started the departure
dance with the authorities at 0700 and with good fortune we were away
by 0730 heading down the river, with a pilot, at half tide on the
ebb; a bumpy exit but we did have more clearance!
By midday we were
entering Mohammedia a very easy port to enter but again one that has
almost no facilities for yachts. Our good fortune, by phoning ahead
to the “Yacht Club”, it meant that we were given a berth
alongside the last boat on the pontoon, accessing the pontoon via the
other boat. Unusual but as it appeared that this boat had not been
used for some years we did not feel too uncomfortable walking over it
and it was a clean berth with no concerns over the rise and fall of
the tide. Mohammedia is almost a suburb of Casablanca and as it was
Jason's last night onboard we decided to make a rapid dash for the
city once the afternoon temperatures had dropped. This we did
catching the train into town and a taxi back (the trains stopped at
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Mohammedia "Marina" |
A splendid meal in town at the Al Mounia restaurant was topped
off with a rapid tour on foot before returning to Kurukulla. Jason's
departure was programmed for 0630 so it was never going to be a late
night; well not beyond 0200 anyway! The next day, after the early
departure of Jayson, was spent relaxing and catching up on routine
chores. Unbeknown to us Jayson's journey turned into a nightmare
when, having turned down a taxi share to the airport, he arrived at
the station to find all trains cancelled due to a track fault! Taxi!
He made the flight by the skin of his teeth! In the early afternoon
we were joined by a French boat berthing outboard of us. From their
boat handling it was obvious they were not seasoned sailors! We
almost had to show them how to secure a boat! They had come direct
from Portimao in Portugal and were heading back to France! I never
did find out why they had gone so far out of their way but I had my
suspicions. Cannabis is traded openly in Morocco; it is almost
impossible to move anywhere without someone discretely (or sometimes
not so discretely) offering it for sale! I may be wrong....... They
seemed particularly interested in the security arrangements at the
ports we had visited since leaving Tangier! In the next two days we
toured Mohammedia and Casablanca doing the tourist sights before
setting off, southwards, again heading for El Jadidah.
Having left Mohammedia
at 1100 it was going to be an overnight sail and not a particularly
pleasant one; cold, humid and windless. At 0400 we were ghosting
slowly towards the shore, loitering and waiting for daybreak to
provide enough light to enter the port.
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The proffered berth at El Jadidah, outboard of this! |
By 0900 were were looking to
tie up alongside and being greeted by the port authority who offered
us the opportunity to berth outboard of three abandoned yachts all of
which were barely secured to anything and inhabited by feral cats.
Absolutely unsuitable as a berth. After a brief trip ashore to meet
the decidedly unhelpful Port Authority representative I chose to move
off again and anchor 25m from the jetty, a much safer and less
aromatic place to be; anchored under the guns of the Portuguese fort
in an absolutely stunning situation! After moving it was the usual
round of visits to Border Police, Port authority, Gendarmerie and
Customs, all of whom were delightful (if slow) with the exception of
the Port Authority who clearly had taken umbridge that I did not want
to be berthed where he had suggested. Our relationship went from bad
to disastrous! When it came to payment he kept me hanging around for
45 minutes whilst he “aired his authority” (I sat and clicked two
coins in my palm whilst waiting) only then to insist he had no change
when I offered 600 Diram for a 517 Diram bill. I then offered 2€
(=20 Diram) in lieu of the 17 Diram but he was having none of it (I
suspect in the hope I would hand over the 600 and not ask for change
– two can play at that game!); eventually I walked out telling him
I would come back and pay tomorrow, he was unimpressed.
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The Portuguese Fort |
The following
day he was on the quay at 1100 waving and intimating that I should go
and pay, we waved back politely and did nothing more. After a
leisurely coffee in the Cafe du Port I had accumulated 17 Diram worth
of one and half Diram coins, I was therefore ready to return and pay. I placed on his desk 500 Diram in notes and then poured onto his desk
the contents of my coin purse, 17 Diram exactly. His face was a
picture! From here we had to go to the Port Accountancy office to get
the monies accepted and a receipt issued and then it was done but not
before he formally warned me that if we were not out of the port by
0900 on the day of departure we would have to pay another day. When
we finally departed we sailed out through the port entrance at 0859
and 50 secs waving him a cheery goodbye; he having come down from his
office to ensure that we leave on time. It was a great shame as El
Jadidah was a fantastic town, with unlimited charm and joie de vivre.
The harbour was teaming with children, swimming, sailing,
windsurfing, canoeing and tomb-stoning off the harbour and castle
walls, sometimes from a height of 20m!
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Fishing harbour, El Jadidah |
All of them were thoroughly
enjoying life. The fishermen were similarly charming and not one
failed to greet you and wish you a pleasant stay in their country. It
is a tragedy that a single official can spoil one's initial
perceptions of, what was a town I would very happily go back to and
revisit. On our final night we went to the old Capitanerie in the
Medusa and dined at the Restaurant Iglesia, a charming
Hotel/Restaurant within the walls of the old Portuguese fortress. A
splendid end to the visit and a place I would highly recommended.
After our “supervised”
departure we headed south 130 miles to Essaouira, another fishing
port but one with a sheltered bay suitable as an anchorage for a few
days. After another cold and damp overnight passage (having been in
the Med for so long I had almost forgotten what they were!), this
time downwind all the way, we were ready to enter Essaouira but again
we were shrouded in mist.
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Swimmers at Essaouira harbour, in the mist |
Fortunately as we approached the entrance
the mist cleared enough that, at 0.5 miles off, we could see the surf
breaking either side of the entrance and in we went. Ten minutes
later we sailed onto the anchor and settled for a quiet recovery
period, I having been up most of the night. It was not to be! Thirty
minutes later a small fishing boat hailed us with onboard two very
charming members of the Gendarmerie Royale. No peace for the wicked!
We were requested (or required depending on your interpretation),
very politely, to enter the port and complete the immigration
procedures (the fact this was our sixth port in Morocco and second
week in the country counted for nothing) hence we had to up anchor
and go in alongside. The port, whilst still functioning as a major
fishing port, is being reconstructed with floating cranes and
dredgers everywhere; for which reason there is limited room for
manoeuvring. Having refused to even attempt the first berth they
indicated (we could have gotten in but getting out again would have
been a nightmare) we finally berthed on a jetty which was, I believe,
cast in concrete only last week; it was so new and clean! Two hours
later I had been to most of the the usual offices but declined to go
to the Port Authority as we intended to go back out and anchor for
the next 48 hours. The next crew member, Matt, was due to join on
Monday and hence, it being only Friday, we were in no hurry to
explore the town; beautiful though the old town looked. By mid-day we
were back at anchor and the rest of the day was spent relaxing and
blog writing!
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Diabat, remains of Portugese Fort lost in the sand, near Essouira |
Over the following
weekend we spent our time doing minor maintenance on the boat and
relaxing onboard, watching the kite surfers and windsurfers whizzing
past us every few minutes, very impressive. Monday morning we moved
back into the harbour and this time the dredging barge that had
blocked our path into the “yacht pontoon” during the previous
entry was now further out and we were able to berth alongside the
only other yacht in the harbour. Much easier, no worries about lines
and tidal rise and fall! The other yacht seemed to be a permanent
fixture, abandoned by a charter company, with a single elderly gent
living aboard. He was very happy to host us alongside but for safety
I put lines to the jetty as well; his lines seemed less than secure!
As all people in the ports of Morocco he was tirelessly helpful and
willing to assist in anything that we required. He seemed to have no
other role in life than guardian of the boat on which he appeared to
live and, whilst we were alongside, this seemed to extend to
Kurukulla as well!
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Essaouira harbour with Kurukulla left of centre |
Mat, having
successfully found his way from Marrakesh to the boat by early
afternoon, came with us on a tour of the old town ending in the early
evening in the fish stalls just near the end of the fish landing
quay. Here you could choose the fish of your choice which was then
cooked for you on the spot and served at one of the numerous tables.
We chose a selection of fish which came at a very reasonable price
and sat down to enjoy our feast accompanied but Coke Light or
Lipton's Cold Tea; this was Morocco after all, no dry white wine
served here, or not in the un-touristy places anyway! Supper over we
headed for the traditional hammam where part of the Orson Wells
production of Othello had been shot in 1951. Scrubbed and polished to
within an inch of our lives we then retired onboard for a nightcap
and a not very early night.
The following day
dawned bright and clear, the first time there had not been at least a
mist hanging over the town since we arrived. We completed a further
tour of the town, visited the Portugese fort (almost lost in the sands) at Diabat, purchased some victuals and enjoyed a lunch ashore
before returning to Kurukulla. Our plan was to go back to anchor in
the late afternoon to facilitate an early departure next morning.
Harbour dues paid, new crew registered with the Gendarmerie and our
passports stamped out again by the Border Police we were free to go
to anchor; well almost, as I paid the port dues I was told by the
harbour-master that it was not permitted to anchor outside in the bay
but, as he had no jurisdiction outside the harbour limits and we had
successfully stayed there for three nights previously, I chose to
ignore his “advice”. By 1730 we were happily back at anchor in
the bay.
Next morning the alarm
went off at 0530 ready for a departure at 0600. I wandered up on deck
and rapidly realised that going anywhere would be foolhardy. You
could barely see the bow from the stern let alone any land. I set the
alarm for an hour later and went back to bed. Even an hour later it
was still “pea soup” with nothing beyond our own boat in sight.
So much for an early departure! It was 0830 when the fog cleared
enough for us to see the harbour wall 150m away. With this I decided
to get underway before it closed in again. Once we were outside the
bay the rest was plain sailing, well except for the odd fisherman
drifting around in the fog. After motoring for 30 minutes we set the
sails and turned downwind towards Agadir which was to be our last
port of call in Morocco. Agadir was 77 miles away so arriving before
nightfall was now very “touch and go”. In the event light and
variable winds in the last five hours of the passage meant that we
arrived at Agadir at 2200, well after nightfall.
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Agadir Marina with the memorial on the hillside behind |
My fallback, if we
arrived in darkness, had been to anchor outside the marina and enter
the next morning but in the event we were able to distinguish easily
the marina entrance, despite the green light at the entrance being
out, and we chose to go in, much to the surprise of the marinaio on
duty. By 2300 we were secure in the marina but even at this hour
there was the paperwork to complete with the Gendarmerie and Douane
(Customs), only the marina office paperwork could wait until the
morning! Dinner was served at midnight!
The marina at Agadir is
a smart retail development with the marina as its centrepiece. Sadly
Agadir marina, like Bouregreg, is totally under-utilised. It is a
full service marina but only one third of the berths were in use and,
interestingly, it cost €21 a night as opposed to the standard
charge of roughly €26 (it depends who calculates it) in the fishing
ports where no facilities are provided. Agadir is a town of little
character. Tragically, the entire town was destroyed in an earthquake
in 1960. On the hillside, below the original “Old Town” is an
enormous memorial to the thousands who died during this seismic event
such that those that lost their lives shall never be forgotten.
Agadir today is the product of a town planners drawing board and is
without the character of all the other towns we visited coming down
the coast. That said it is modern clean and efficient.
We finally spent two
nights in Agadir departing at 0500 on the third night. The saga of
paperwork could not be completed ahead of time and so it was I found
myself waking up the Gendarmerie and Douane officials, at 0445, to
stamp our passports and to release Kurukulla from bond (you have to
officially import the boat into the country on arrival and then
present the paperwork to re-export it at the end of the visit); only
the marina authorities had the sense to clear us out the evening
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Lanzarote Marina, Arrecife |
By 0510 we were
underway, motoring out of the marina and setting sail once outside
and clear. The wind was light and variable and we again had fog to
contend with but we were en route to the Canary Islands so life was
not so bad! The mostly light and very fluky winds stayed with us
until late in the afternoon, meaning that our plan for a 36 ish hour
passage for the 225 miles was thrown into doubt. Eventually the wind
settled to a consistent 20 or so knots from the north, just abaft the
beam, resulting in us storming along at an average 7 – 8 knots and
recovering the lost time such that, after one night at sea, we
arrived in Lanzarote Maria, in Arrecife, at just before 2000. Within
minutes we were secured and were then informed that all paperwork
could wait until tomorrow; the staff went off duty at 2000!
By 1000 the next day we
were officially back in Spain and all was settled for the final leg
of the season, the sail from Lanzarote to Gran Canaria where
Kurukulla will lay up in preparation for the Atlantic crossing. More
when we depart Lanzarote ….....
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