Dog Island anchorage, sadly not tenable. |
Having enjoyed a final
iced coffee at Roy's Bayside Grill, on the beach in Road Bay,
Anguilla, we set off to register our departure with the local Customs
and Immigration authorities. When asked for our next port of call I
offered Tortola (BVI) but mentioned in passing that we might visit
the deserted island of Sombrero whilst en route. Wham! I was
immediately presented with a bill for another $80 for a cruising
permit to allow me to visit a deserted island, with no population or
facilities, 30 miles NW of Anguilla;
Virgin Gorda Boatyard |
needless to say my enthusiasm
for visiting Sombrero declined instantly. Thereafter, for the sake of
the authorities, I declared it was to be a “direct passage” to
the BVI. That said our actual plan was to anchor overnight in the
anchorage on the SW side of Dog Island, 12 miles from Anguilla, and
then sail on to Sombrero for a second night at anchor before finally
heading to the BVI.
In the event our
passage from Anguilla to the BVI went anything other than according
to our plan. Our intention to anchor overnight at Dog Island became
increasingly unrealistic the further we sailed North West, away from
Anguilla. With every mile the swell from the west became
and as we arrived off Dog Island it was evident that the only
anchorage was completely untenable;
Virgin Gorda marina buildings, all but destroyed |
swell from anything
between North East and South East is normal in these latitudes but
swell from the West! Based on this experience we deduced that the
anchorage at Sombrero would be equally untenable and therefore opted
for Plan B, the one we had declared to the authorities, and set
course for the BVI sailing through the night. By first light we were
three miles off the entrance to Round Rock Passage, our chosen entry
point to the BVI archipelago.
Virgin Gorda marina |
Once through the
passage we set course for St Thomas Bay, Virgin Gorda, where
Immigration and Customs clearance can be achieved at the ferry docks,
just north of the Yacht Harbour.
We picked up a buoy in the bay, (I
did not trust the depths in the entrance to the yacht harbour to be
sufficient), and used the dinghy to get ashore. The administration
was dealt with reasonably quickly and efficiently and thus we were
now officially in the BVI; from here we set off to find the “Flow”
store to purchase a data SIM card. A brisk 10 minute walk brought us
to the remains of the store, still trading but heavily damaged, where
for $180US we bought 15Gb, three times the price in Antigua!
Gorda sound at sunset |
(aka Lime) have realised that by having one card covering all their
islands they were failing to maximise income, they now charge
“roaming rates” when the card is not purchased in the island on
which it is being used. Our 10Gb purchased before leaving Antigua
became 50Mb at roaming rites!
The damage in Virgin
Gorda was clear to see, very many houses were completely flattened
and those still standing were severely damaged, no windows, no roofs
and in many cases walls gone as well. What was amazing was the spirit
of the people, having had their lives all but destroyed they were all
cheerful and welcoming and this was the same welcome we received in
every part of the BVI that we visited. Where-ever we went the
situation was more or less the same. Buildings flattened, roofs
missing but life returning to normal. Businesses were trading from
what they had left of their premises or were busily rebuilding ready
for the return of the tourists.
Wickham's Cay, near Village Cay marina |
Our first days in
Virgin Gorda were spent relaxing, at anchor, in Long Bay and Virgin
Gorda Sound. It was from here, two days later, that we sailed across
to Road Harbour, on the main island of Tortola to pick up Stephen, a
friend from London, who was joining us. We berthed in the remnants of
the marina at Village Cay, once a smart marina complex and hotel but
now trading from what was left after Irma. The marina was severely
damaged with several sunken vessels still obstructing berths, the
hotel had a very few rooms to let that were still wind and weather
proof ; fortunately the least affected part seemed to be the
Wickham's Cay, Village Cay marina |
The harbour at Road Harbour and the other yacht
harbours in the BVI such as Nanny Cay are overflowing with damaged,
dismasted boats.
A ship load already! |
They are there in their hundreds. It seems there is
a ship, loaded with severely damaged boats, departing Road Harbour
every few days taking them who knows where for repair and this has
been going on for six months already!
The lucky ones taken home for repair! |
A heartbreaking sight! Many
other yachts, motor boats and several ships still lie on the beaches
where they foundered, awaiting salvage and/or disposal. We spoke to
some people who were making a business out of buying wrecks from
insurers and “turning them around”, a good profit to be made
Having successfully
picked up Stephen the night before we commenced a tour of the other
bays and islands.
I will not take you on a detailed day by day tour
of the BVI, suffice to say the in every bay or island that we visited
the damage was horrific and the people fantastic.
Pusser's Landing, Soper's Hole, not quite as I remembered it! |
We went to all the
usual haunts,
Pusser's Landing, |
Soper's Hole (Pusser's Landing for a Painkiller
Cocktail and supper), to Jost Van Dyke where we anchored overnight in
Little Harbour (aka Garner Bay) where Abe's restaurant was gainly
carrying on, displaying a notice declaring them open for business;
Little Harbour, Garner Bay, Jost Van Dyke |
this was despite half of their premises having been demolished by
Irma, most of which was currently in the course of being rebuilt.
White Bay, Guana Island. |
From here we sailed to
Guana island, for a quiet night at anchor in White Bay, before
heading out to the spectacular but totally different island of
Anegada is the only low coral island in the BVI, so low in
fact that it has 'Tsunami evacuation route' signs along the roads.
anchored for the night in the anchorage just to the west of Pomato
Point and not in the main Setting Point anchorage; the reason for
this was that I was unsure what effect Irma had had on the depths in
the main anchorage; a large part of it is charted at between 2 &
2.5m; Kurukulla draws 2.1m.
Devastation in Anegada |
Here too there was plenty of evidence of
the damage Irma did but again the prevailing impression was of rapid
reconstruction and evident determination to get back into business.
Anegada - Pomato Point Museum |
Some locals we spoke to considered themselves lucky that Irma did
them less damage than on the other BVI Islands;
Pomato Beach, Anegada |
I am not sure how
true this is, it may just be an effect of the low population density.
Kurukulla at anchor, Pomato Beach, Anegada |
From Anegada we enjoyed
a downwind sail back to Virgin Gorda Sound where we spent the next
two nights at anchor. First night in the lee of Prickly Pear Island
and the second on a mooring near Saba Rock.
Leverick Bay, Gorda Sound |
If we thought the
destruction we had seen so far was devastating then Saba Rock
bar/restaurant and the Bitter End Yacht Club set new standards. In
the case of the latter virtually nothing was left standing!
Bitter End Yacht Club, Gorda Sound |
Next morning we sailed
off the mooring and set sail for Dog Island where we anchored for
lunch followed by a return to Village Cay Marina (aka Wickham's Cay
1) for the night. Our reason for this was twofold, we wanted to top
up on fresh victuals and secondly we needed to deliver the No2 Genoa
to the sailmaker for a minor repair to the leach. Doyle Sailmakers
experience of Irma was also interesting, the building had been
stripped to just a frame by the 200mph winds but they had luckily
managed to retrieve and store much of their machinery before the
storm hit.
Saba Rock, Gorda Sound |
That combined with sufficient insurance cover saw them
back in business, albeit in an ad hoc way, within three months.
Others in the area were not so lucky.
Sand Sharks at Gorda Sound |
Very many were under-insured
and as a consequence were in an impossible position where they could
not afford to rebuild their homes or businesses even if they were
able reach agreement on a payout from their insurance companies.
The rescue of "Willie T" |
Next morning, with only
48 hours to go before Stephen's return to UK, we quickly completed
all of our tasks and then set off for Norman Island, the most
southerly of the BVI. In The Bight, a deep, sheltered bay on the
western side, was the infamous “Willie T's”; a small topsail
schooner moored in the southern end of the bay and lately used as a
bar/snack-bar. Reputedly if you were prepared to dive into the sea,
from her deck, naked, you were in for free beer! Sadly she is now
deeply embedded in the beach with a crane barge on task to try to
refloat her, whether they will manage to do so before she breaks her
back is anyone's guess but it is good to know there is a chance she
will return to her old position.
Norman Island sound |
The Pirates Bight bar/restaurant
onshore at the eastern end of the bay seemed to be functioning well,
that is judging from the disco music echoing across the bay!
Stephens departure day
arrived and we decided to drop him as near the airport as possible.
With a NE wind the best option was on the south west shore of Beef
Island itself (after which the airport is named). Anchored 100m
offshore we were able to put him ashore with the dinghy, depositing
him at the end of the runway and 250m from the terminal building. Not
bad so far.
Sunset over Saint John, USVI |
The only problem was that his flight was then delayed by
two hours and he arrived for his connection in Antigua in time to see
the British Airways 777 taxiing for take-off without him onboard!
Fortunately a) his flights were all booked through BA and b) they got
him on the following day's flight, otherwise life could have become
rather more difficult!
Stephen dispatched,
Christoph and I set sail for Peter Island, another of the almost
unpopulated southern group of islands, where there are several south
facing anchorages. Here we anchored in Key Bay, and settled for the
Another casualty awaiting rescue and repair |
The next morning we motored across to Road Harbour, to
retrieve the No2 genoa and then sailed back to the tranquillity of
Peter Island for another night.
Our time in the BVI was
drawing to a close and so the following day we opted for a night back
in the marina at Road Town; this gave us a chance to dine ashore for
a last time, re-victual and do battle with Customs and Immigration to
get our departure approved.
Not quite my idea of Bliss..... |
Fortunately, although it was Easter
Saturday, the offices at the ferry/cruise ship jetty were
functioning. By mid day we were ready to depart and set off on a 18
mile beat to windward to reach Gorda Sound again. Our preferred
setting off point for a Sunday departure for Saba. Ideally we sailed
into the sound and on to the anchor just in time to pour a Pina
Colada for sundowners, fantastic!
Just to conclude, I
would not wish to dissuade anyone from visiting the BVI at this
stage. It is very quiet, probably the least crowded you will ever see
it, but that makes it all the more desirable.
Kurukulla alongside one of the pontoons but no services. |
Everything is
available, fuel, water, food, restaurants, bars; perhaps it is not to
the usual standard but the people and the atmosphere are still there.
It is a great place to go and needs people to return to help them
rebuild their economy, their infrastructure and through that their
Some of the damaged pontoons. |
More when we are back
in the Dutch Antilles, Saba and Statia .........
1 comment:
Thanks John. As you say, they will need the income desperately. Great read, as always.
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